I adore getting to know you and firmly believe the cultivation of an intellectual connection reaps bountifully in all else that may follow! The investment schedule below reflects my proclivity toward extended dates and enduring friendship, and is highly skewed in favor of both.
Exclusively Social | $200 1st hour $100 each additional |
Partial Hour | $500 |
1 Hour | $700 |
1.5 Hours | $1000 |
2 Hours | $1300 |
3 Hours | $1700 |
4 Hours Perfect Dinner Date |
$2000 |
6 Hours An Evening Out |
$2500 |
9 Hours Sunrise to Sunset |
$3000 |
14 hours Standard Overnight |
$4000 |
18 hours Extended Overnight |
$4,500 |
24 hours A Full Day |
$5,000 |
2 Days | $7,500 |
3 Days | $10,000 |
4+ Days | Bespoke |
Monthly Semi-Exclusive | $15,000 |
Monthly Exclusive | $30,000 |
Unicorns Do Exist
A date option for the truly adventurous… It encompasses everything that you might expect from a Girlfriend Experience, plus what you may only experience on those special occasions! If you’d like to delve into further details, this is best done after verification, or in person. This experience is usually only available after our first date.
Video or photographic keepsakes; for when you’d like a fond remembrance of our time together. (This fee is waived if I may use the content on my BeyondClosedDoors.club page. Find me there @elusive_unicorn!)
The Fine Print
Your Place or Mine?
Your Place, for all locations outside of Houston.
My Place: Included for all dates & locations.
I Adore You.
Deposits & Rescheduling
No deposit required for existing friends unless there is a history of excessive reschedules/cancellations.
Deposits may be required at 20% of the date for new friends, at my discretion.
Rescheduling: If a deposit is provided, it will be applied in full to rescheduled dates in Houston (within 6 months) or to rescheduled dates within the same trip while on tour. If rescheduling to my next trip is required, 10% may be applied to the future date. The other 10% is non-refundable as it covers time spent on admin & travel costs.
Cancellation Fees, if rescheduling is not possible:
10% of the booked date any time after booking
30% of the booked date for < 72 hours notice
50% of the booked date for < 48 hours notice
100% of the booked date < 24 hours notice
Please scroll down for more complete deposit, cancellation and payment information.